Propylene Glycol and electronic cigarettes: FDA approved substance or Chinese conspiracy?

On August 22, 2010, in Opinion, WTF is Propylene Glycol, by Smokey the Barrister

What the heck is propylene glycol? Propylene glycol is used as a ‘humectant’ which means it maintains moisture levels in food products, cosmetics and tobacco products. Humectants are what make hair conditioning products work as well as create the ‘moisterizing’ effects of many common cosmetics and consumer products we take for granted such as: make [...]

Big Tobacco Avoid Taxation via Tobacco Labeling Switcharoo

On August 18, 2010, in Opinion, by HeavyD

You got to hand it to Big Tobacco. They may called a lot of things but “stupid” is not one of them. A recent Associated Press Article highlights antics Big Tobacco took to circumvent federal tobacco taxes. Shrewd marketing on behalf of Big Tobacco helped them avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in tobacco [...]

New Zealand: Smokers support increased tobacco tax (and head shrinking), national survey says.

On August 9, 2010, in Opinion, by HeavyD

Very interesting. But ask yourself this – as taxes on cigarettes mount and governments come to rely on these taxes to manage their budgets, what is the likelihood that smoking cessation will honestly be pursued? Whenever a government is funded on the act of smoking it will do what it can to keep that funding [...]

8 million Americans search Web for help quitting tobacco. (Between porn and free credit reports)

On August 8, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister

A clinical trial aims at understanding how smoking cessation products such as nicotine gum and the patch might work in conjunction with online cessation programs. (Not yet recruiting participants) We at SmokeShopTalk wonder why electronic cigarettes might not also be a part of that study? One would think that a USB drive and computing data [...]

GlobalHue Multicultural advertising

On August 7, 2010, in Opinion, by sstadminX

We found this pretty interesting. Wonder if they’ve ever worked on pro or anti smoking for multicultural audiences.

The US Supreme Court to FDA: Thank you for not regulating tobacco.

On July 25, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister

Clinton Administration and the FDA Goes After Big Tobacco in 1994. In that same year,  Big Tobacco lawyer, Kenneth Starr, appointed Whitewater investigator. Starting in 1994, the FDA asserted regulatory authority over the sale of cigarettes claiming that cigarettes were a “drug delivery system” for the addictive ingredient in tobacco, namely nicotine. The FDA made [...]

As Oakland burns, Jerry Brown fiddles with electronic cigarettes.

On July 14, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister

When Jerry Brown was mayor of Oakland, you were 5x more likely to be murdered than the US average. Nearly 3x more likely to be robbed and 2x more likely to be raped. So where’s Jerry focused now? Electronic cigarettes.

Mass General Hosptial: Thirdhand Smoke, a mixture of ash and household dust, is a secret killer.

On July 13, 2010, in Opinion, by HeavyD

According to the New York Times, a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics surveyed 1500 smokers and nonsmokers about the hazards of secondhand and thirdhand smoke. 83% of the population believed that secondhand smoke was dangerous while only 43% believed that Thirdhand smoke was dangerous. By definition, Thirdhand smoke is the residue that remains [...]

FDA's Dr. Janet Woodcock's startling admission: "We don't know what the effect of nicotine might be on the body."

On July 8, 2010, in Opinion, by HeavyD

FDA Top Doc, Dr. Janet Woodcock laments that  after 150 years of smoking controversy, the FDA has NO IDEA about the effect of nicotine on humans? In order to help Dr. Janet Woodcock, we at suggest she look no further than her own website, to find the answers. And what we found was [...]

Will Quiting Smoking Make You Fat? The Skinny on Nicotine

On June 23, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister

We take a closer look at what women have known for years – smoking makes you thinner. Conventional wisdom held that nicotine is an appetite suppressant. But what many don’t know is that nicotine actually accelerates metabolism.

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