has a recent piece titled:
“E-Cigarettes Should Be Promoted, Not Banned”
Written by Tim Worstall, the article references the ecig article in The Guardian and the “Nudge Unit” (now that’s a great name for a… unit) employed by the government to, apparently, utilize electronic cigarettes in their efforts to help smokers manage nicotine addiction.
Worstall goes on to state some reasoned opinions on electronic cigarette debate, and nicotine delivery in general.
“Nicotine isn’t all that dangerous a drug: no more so than the caffeine in your coffee for example. It’s the delivery method which is the killer, not the drug itself. So I simply don’t understand why the European Union has banned snus outside Sweden (it’s a variant of chewing tobacco essentially). People getting nicotine without smoking tobacco sounds like a pretty good idea to me really.
And the various bans on e-cigarettes make just as little sense to me as that. Some countries have banned them altogether. I think I’m right in saying that the FDA in the US wants to regulate them as a drug delivery device which is tantamount to banning them. But surely, surely, people ingesting nicotine in a manner that doesn’t kill them is a good idea? Better than their continuing to get the drug from a method that may well kill them?”
- From’s recent ecig article
Now that sounds like something we would have written. Or, have written.
Well, hell there are a bunch like this, just search our site for “Nicotine”
Anyway, I think we like this Tim Worstall chap…
His bio:
“Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute in London, a writer here and there on this and that and strangely, one of the global experts on the metal scandium, one of the rare earths. An odd thing to be but someone does have to be such and in this flavour of our universe I am.”
With a chap like this entering the fray on ecigs, it seems the profile of this debate is headed in the right direction.