Blu Cigs: Social Media Savvy?

On August 29, 2011, in About eCigs, BluCig Products, by Smokey the Barrister

The LA times has a write up covering Blu Cig’s new initiative  that will enbable Blu Cig users to find — other Blu Cig users — nearby.

That’s kind of interesting, and we agree here that some people may be interested in this sort of random connection-making. (Me, I’m a misanthropic loner, no way would I want you approaching me because Blu pre-introduced us)

>>Article Even includes a pic of  Hon Lik.

Anyway, Facebook & Twitter integration is apparently on the roadmap @BluCigarettes

Blu Cigs Facebook Twitter

“You can set whatever parameters you’d like, it could range from leave me alone to I’m single to I want a drinking buddy all the way to please date me.”

WTF? Scary, interesting…useless? The market will telll……

Blu Cigs at the LA times

Blu’s Site


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