While the FDA is moving on e-cigs like a bat out of Hell, the FDA drags its feet on Darvocet. Banned in Britain, Darvocet is seen by many physicians as a wasteful and irrelevant drug. It appears, that the board of science advisers to the FDA recommended that Darvocet be removed from the shelves. In [...]
In the public comments left for the FDA by Smokefree Pennsylvania in September, the FDA was urged to do a number of things to help assist smokers move away from smoking tobacco and toward reduced harm products, including the electronic cigarette, and toward quitting entirely. Classifying electronic cigarette products as a new category of tobacco [...]
FDA Drug Chief, Dr. Woodcock Accused Of Conflict By ALICIA MUNDY WASHINGTON — The inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services is investigating a conflict-of-interest allegation involving the official in charge of drug approvals at the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA said. The investigation of Janet Woodcock, the director of [...]