FDA salutes its board of "science advisors." Darvocet stays. E-cigs go.

On December 27, 2009, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister

While the FDA is moving on e-cigs like a bat out of Hell, the FDA drags its feet on Darvocet. Banned in Britain, Darvocet is seen by many physicians as a wasteful and irrelevant drug.  It appears, that the board of science advisers to the FDA recommended that Darvocet be removed from the shelves. In [...]

E-Cig company schools FDA on possible benefits of e-cigs

On December 25, 2009, in Opinion, by HeavyD

In the public comments left for the FDA by Smokefree Pennsylvania in September, the FDA was urged to do a number of things to help assist smokers move away from smoking tobacco and toward reduced harm products, including the electronic cigarette, and toward quitting entirely. Classifying electronic cigarette products as a new category of tobacco [...]

WSJ.com: FDA Top Doc, Dr. Janet Woodcock too cozy with drug approval applicants?

On December 24, 2009, in Opinion, by HeavyD

  FDA Drug Chief, Dr. Woodcock Accused Of Conflict By ALICIA MUNDY WASHINGTON — The inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services is investigating a conflict-of-interest allegation involving the official in charge of drug approvals at the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA said. The investigation of Janet Woodcock, the director of [...]